Covid 19 Procedures
Crowcombe Cinema
Covid 19 Procedures (updated November 2021)
Crowcombe Cinema, together with the Crowcombe Hall Committee, have looked carefully at how we can open up the hall cautiously, and show films safely. We have carried out a detailed Risk Assessment and concluded that we are able to show films, with some restrictions and limitations. We have now had several shows, and our Covid procedures have worked well. There was clearly an appetite for people to get out and watch a film in company on a big screen. We have updated these Procedures in October 2021.
Here is a summary of our Covid 19 procedures. Please help us to keep showing films safely.
- We ask that everyone reserves a seat before the show, in the usual way by emailing . You can pay for the tickets on the door, still £6:00 each, but please bring the correct change if possible. The ticket desk will be located outside the Quantock Room.
- We will limit the audience size to a maximum of 65 (including volunteers) and will have no more than 10 in the Quantock Room at any time. Chairs in the hall will be spaced to allow social distancing. Family groups can of course sit together.
- Face masks should be worn whilst queuing and on entering the Hall. Face masks should be worn when moving about in the hall. You do not need to wear a mask and once seated.
- Hand sanitising stations will be available at the entrance, and everyone will be advised to use sanitiser on entering Hall.
- There will be a one way flow into the Hall through the Quantock Room. Drinks will be available from the bar in the Quantock Room on arrival and ice creams on sale during the interval. After the show, people will be asked to leave row by row from the back, maintaining social distancing. Please deposit any plastic glasses or ice cream tubs in the bin by the door.
- We will keep some windows and doors open to allow ventilation (bring a coat!).
I look forward to welcoming you to Crowcombe Cinema
Stay Safe
Philip Comer